
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bible-In-A-Year Discipline

 (((((disclaimer, I'm already over halfway in Numbers, but when I wrote this, I was still in Leviticus!!)))))

Yeah okay so sometimes I just straight-up don’t feel like reading Leviticus.
I’m weird enough that I do have times when I enjoy it and crave it. I crave the weirdness and the awkward laws. I want to hear about the sprinkling blood and the fat wave offerings and how they determined if somebody was “unclean” from an infectious skin disease.

I’m not legalistic enough to feel bad if I don’t read the 3 or so chapters of LEVITICUS every single day, just because it’s on my reading list.
I’m reading the Bible chronologically, and I gotta be honest, with travel days and crazy outings and brand new ministries left and right… I’m behind.
I’m supposed to start Numbers today. I still have 13 chapters left in Leviticus.
Have I read every single day? You bet. I love it. But sometimes I need different food. Something other than Leviticus. Sometimes I need Micah, or Philippians. Sometimes I need Isaiah, or Jude.

We as Christians get really really down on ourselves when we set goals and don’t pull through. I want to encourage anybody who’s on any kind of “schedule” Bible reading plan, whether it was a New Year resolution or a random whim of zealous obedience. If you get behind, chin up. Enjoy God’s word. It’s not homework. It’s not a chore. It is such a gift and privilege to be able to read the Word of God.
The minute you catch yourself panicking or dreading the scheduled reading, you need a heart check.

Why are you reading?
To know God more. To have God reveal Himself to you in a new way.

I can tell you a few reasons why you’re not reading…
You’re not reading to earn Pharisee points.
You’re not reading to prove to God (or yourself) how disciplined you are. Let’s get real. He knows how many hairs are on your head. He knows you fall short, so there’s no point kidding yourself there.
You’re not reading to memorize the entire Bible, unless you want to be like Denzel in The Book of Eli. Good luck if you are, praying for you when you get to Leviticus, just saying.
You’re not reading the WORD OF GOD because you HAVE TO.
Ironically, if you do read the Word of God, you realize that there’s nothing that you have to do besides have faith in Christ.
Everything you do now is in response to the love in your heart. Yes, this includes seeking God’s face.

Seek His face. Seek it in song. Seek it in prayer. Seek it in the Word.

If you get behind on your readings, there’s lots and lots of grace. You don’t suck as a Christian because you’re reading chapter 14 instead of chapter 27. Daddy knows your heart.
Have the discipline to seek His face. Chin up when your reading plans don’t match up to reality.

God doesn’t love you any extra when you go through checklists and have a productive day than He does when you have a hard, distracting day and get behind the schedule.

The most important thing is to seek His face. Ask for His presence no matter what the circumstances. I can assure you, there’s plenty of grace.
Christians are the most victorious, joyous, hopeful people alive.
We are guaranteed eternal bliss.
There is no reason for a child of God to ever feel defeated.

Your Daddy in Heaven is proud of you because you have the righteousness of Christ, not because you managed to read 3 chapters a day. God’s unconditional love for you is not wagered on your performance.
Thank God  for that, because we fall so short.
Thank You God for grace, for bearing with us, and for Leviticus!

And here is a cheesy high school senior picture of me with my Bible, for comedic purposes! Enjoy hahaha!!!

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