
Saturday, April 9, 2011


Blog slacker!!

Slide down the hallway in your socks

6 days til my epic staycation!!

It’s been almost 2 years since I’ve had a week off, worry free! Yes, an ENTIRE week, God-willing a healthy, enjoying the sunshine, no errand-running , chillaxing, day-tripping, staycation.
I welcome any friends that would like to visit me for once, but I’m just going to say now that I will NOT be driving 2-3 hours to visit yall.  I’m always the one that journeys north and sees everybody any chance I get and it always ends up being brief because I only get a couple of days to hang out. I would be tempted to spend my entire week visiting people and have to pack and get home to a sad cat and an angry hurricane in my closet. For once, I’m staying!

So come one and all, bring your sleeping bags. I’ll cook your favorite meal and you can join me in ultimate chill activities, including but not limited to: movies, cartoons, impromptu cereal consumption, picnics, frisbee tossing, sprints at the track (to ease ex-athletics nostalgia), dance parties, pool lounging, boot-wearing excursions, and maybe even getting my amazing stepdad to get the boat on the lake. Oh the possibilities.

The temptation is there to hop on a cruise ship and disappear to Mexico, but I’m going to be frugal and save my money toward my recently-shot Brazil fund, rest in peace. Cause of death: murderous taxes. Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s right? Take all my money, government. It’s not my money anyway  =) Can’t take it with me where I’m going.

I’m so thankful that I got my health back, got rid of my viruses (Gurgy and Gary… yes they were named, just like hurricanes) and I’m able to look forward to my birthday and last week of work at Scott & White, and this incredible weekend that will follow, full of Austin/Old friends/Running/New friends/Country Music/Church… ahhhh I’m so excited!

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