
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Forward Progress

Single... mm this word is inaccurate. I'm not a fan of it. God certainly doesn't want us to be single. He wants us in community. In a group, in families, and when we are alone, we are with Him. Single should make anybody feel uncomfortable, really. I love my alone time sometimes, but to be lonely is not what He calls us to do. We're called to encourage and comfort each other. To serve. To put others first... I can't do that if I have a "single" mindset.
I've been praying to be able to plug into a ministry where I can cook for people. I'm currently waiting to join in with a wonderful lady and help by volunteering for her nonprofit organization that will prepare and deliver meals to the homeless. I have volunteered with special needs kiddos and had some very brief homeless ministry exposure. I've gone out of state for mission trips, and I'm preparing my heart to serve in some way when I go home to Brazil to visit my family. In all these things, my prayers were selfless. My state of mind was on others. So that's what I need to focus on. Other people. And Jesus, of course.
I'm gonna put myself out of my comfort zone and get really really cozy close with my new church family. I need them, and who knows, maybe they can use a goofy friend :) I'm praying for accountability.
Please pray for me? I need it. I want to establish strong friendships, all rooted in Christ. I want to talk more about God with everyone I come in touch with. I want to pick apart and study the Word with friends that I know could challenge me and sharpen me. I want to give back and be a better friend.
I'm not single. I'm surrounded by love and support from my family and my friends.
Friends that say "Helena, just smile. Just stay in the moment. Don't worry!" and family that says "Do not look back. Look forward, and look around, and hold your head up. Things can happen quickly, God opens doors quickly. Don't look back." and they all reassure me that I'm strong :) It makes me so happy when my mom encourages me. She sometimes says all the wrong things and pushes all the wrong buttons... but wow when she encourages me, I feel so special. It's one of those blessings I can't explain. And my friends that keep me company. You bless me with your presence. My time with yall is so meaningful to me. Thank you for making me laugh. I hope to return the favor one made-up word or pun at a time lol.

I'm currently studying Joshua. I'm gonna try to blog about my Bible study experience. I'm learning that when God is fighting for you, you win. You just win. He makes it simple (and maybe a little odd lol) but trusting in Him is the battle. I'm praying that I can have the faith and the humility to trust God with my battles, and to trust that He will fight for me. That I will be strong and courageous.
So now I'm finding that happy middle ground where I'm guarded but vulnerable, committed but flexible, and busy but still. Not easy, but I have the best Helper.

Prayers are appreciated :) and know my prayers are with you, dear friends and family.
Love you all.


  1. I love you Helena and I miss you! Your such an encourager! Yor blog reminds me of what I;m doing in my life and and how different situations have the same effect on me :)

  2. You, miss Lydia, are such a joy in my life. Thank you for your friendship :) you encourage me as well!
