
Monday, June 13, 2011

And miles to go before I sleep

I was wondering about my mileage for the year and as it turns out... in the year 2011...
I've run 220 miles.

That's a lot!
My goal for the year is to run over 500. I think I've got this in the bag considering my marathon is in November. It may be time to invest in some new shoes. I've been putting mileage on the bikilas for almost a whole year and they're still holding together marvelously. Can't say that about any other shoe I've ever had.
I'm thinking about getting another color... I'm not sure about getting a new model yet. I  bought a women's sprint in pink/peach and it's not very comfortable... I'm afraid to wear it and have it tear up my feet. Maybe I should man up.

I got lazy last week and didn't do much of anything but clean and cook some. I had only logged a Saturday run of 6 miles, a Monday run of 5, and a Saturday run of 7.5 miles... which is kind of sad. I had ALL WEEK Monday through Friday and I had 5 miles to show for it. Lame. Will do better.

Another one of my resolutions was getting invisalign :) And my oh my I already have people telling me they can see a difference! It's only been 12 weeks!! I have a dentist's appointment this week, and I'm praying for no pain as they prepare me for the next 3 retainers.

Overall, my life has been very happy this year. There have been major developments in my relationship with my family and new, strong friendships which are answered prayers. My heart has been healing, and I no longer feel so darn anxious. Having my brother around does help a lot. He's been helping me around the apartment, and keeping me company on the couch. I am proud to say I got my entire family hooked on the Mavericks haha my brother got home yesterday during the 2nd quarter and the first thing he asked me was "is the game on????!!" as he looked toward the tv. My parents and I watched a movie yesterday, X-Men First Class (good!) and they were stoked to inform me they had plans to watch the game! :)
It's been amazing having them around. I don't take it for granted one bit.

You never know what plans God has for my future, whether it's here or somewhere else. I'm praying about direction and opening my heart to whatever He needs me to do. The job I have now is fantastic, but I'm not opposed to the idea of it being yet another stepping stone to something bigger. I've also been prayerfully considering a Masters degree in combination with a specialist program in blood banking.
Click here to see my options in programs. Please be in prayer about my career and location and future.

My lease goes out in October and I have no clue yet what I should do about my living situation. I'm certain God will make it clear to me by then. I know He has great plans, and He will accomplish them. He knows my heart's desires, and what I truly value and want while I'm here. I'll keep praying, and running, and spending time with my loved ones. I'm certain I'll be ready for whatever change God brings my way. I will welcome it with a confident smile, and praise Him.

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