
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

T4 Series : #1 Toothpaste

My, Helena, what is this gibberish in your title?
T4 stands for Thankful For, but it's a cooler, shorter, and more confusing way to write it.
In this random series, I will pick something I am currently very thankful for and expand upon it, historically and also in my dry-humor style of writing. Let me follow the WHOA method.

Thankful For #1: TOOTHPASTE

We are gross without it. It makes my teeth white and shiny, it makes my breath fresh, while preventing cavities! It's wonderful.

To sum it up, toothpaste didn't get good until the early 1900s. Before that, you'd be dealing with chalk, bricks, or salt in your mouth. That's pretty disgusting.

After brushing your teeth, supposedly orange juice tastes horrible. This is due to a chemical reaction. And oddly enough, apples are supposed to taste better after brushing your teeth. Aw now I want to go try it!

To me, it's best on my teeth/mouth. I have used toothpaste to clean silver, however, and it worked brilliantly. We aren't supposed to swallow toothpaste because of Fluoride, which is toxic in larger volumes and can cause diarrhea and nausea.

There yall have it. T4 #1 complete.

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