Hey friends and family!
As most of you should know by now, I'm taking a big step toward the Kingdom dream that the Lord put on my heart. The women's ministry He called me and gave me a vision for is beginning.
Phylla House is a ministry for divorced or widowed women, and it brings them into a compassionate community so that they can heal and impart wisdom from the Lord to each other.
The baby step is a 6-week Bible study starting April 8th.
I worked super hard on getting the website from imaginary to functional, and pushed through the frustration of having no idea how to do it, and trusted the Lord to come through. He did! It's done! It's live! Hallelujah!! Phyllahouse.com
An amazing family from my church stepped forward in support, offering their home and their wisdom to push this dream forward. Answered prayer!
Women can sign up at phyllahouse.com/bible-study and they can choose either Mondays or Tuesdays, which is a big commitment for me, but I am so willing.
Last night I got super discouraged, because nobody has signed up yet.
I started to count all the negatives.
I started to feel terrible about it!
Then God ministered to my heart through a devotional called Streams in the Desert, a gift from a dear friend.
Phylla House is more dear to His heart.
I can trust Him.
I can leave it with Him.
I haven't failed, because it's not up to me. I'm being obedient. I haven't held back, I haven't abandoned the ship. I haven't withheld the vision. My passion hasn't waned.
They are His daughters.
Phylla House is His ministry.
His little church of sorts.
His community.
His body.
So I choose to trust the prophecy and the dream, because in trusting that, I trust the One who gave it to me.
I trust His timing.
I trust His Spirit.
He is alive.
He reigns.
Hope lives.
Healing will happen as naturally and miraculously as the flowers that start 'neath the snow.
Not due to my effort.
Not for my glory.
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36
As most of you should know by now, I'm taking a big step toward the Kingdom dream that the Lord put on my heart. The women's ministry He called me and gave me a vision for is beginning.
Phylla House is a ministry for divorced or widowed women, and it brings them into a compassionate community so that they can heal and impart wisdom from the Lord to each other.
The baby step is a 6-week Bible study starting April 8th.
I worked super hard on getting the website from imaginary to functional, and pushed through the frustration of having no idea how to do it, and trusted the Lord to come through. He did! It's done! It's live! Hallelujah!! Phyllahouse.com
An amazing family from my church stepped forward in support, offering their home and their wisdom to push this dream forward. Answered prayer!
Women can sign up at phyllahouse.com/bible-study and they can choose either Mondays or Tuesdays, which is a big commitment for me, but I am so willing.
Last night I got super discouraged, because nobody has signed up yet.
I started to count all the negatives.
I started to feel terrible about it!
Then God ministered to my heart through a devotional called Streams in the Desert, a gift from a dear friend.
Phylla House is more dear to His heart.
I can trust Him.
I can leave it with Him.
I haven't failed, because it's not up to me. I'm being obedient. I haven't held back, I haven't abandoned the ship. I haven't withheld the vision. My passion hasn't waned.
They are His daughters.
Phylla House is His ministry.
His little church of sorts.
His community.
His body.
So I choose to trust the prophecy and the dream, because in trusting that, I trust the One who gave it to me.
I trust His timing.
I trust His Spirit.
He is alive.
He reigns.
Hope lives.
Healing will happen as naturally and miraculously as the flowers that start 'neath the snow.
Not due to my effort.
Not for my glory.
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36