
Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's a good day to be free!

Hey peeps :)

Haven’t typed a theme-less, don't-know-where-this-is-going update blog in a while.

Today is the day.
Perks of the day: day off from ministry, and I watched 2 movies, had a couch all to myself, spent absolutely no cash, worked out, took the most refreshing cold shower, and had a great time at our prayer meeting.
I got asked if I’m good with commas (yes), and I’m currently mesmerized, watching ants devour the corpses of the bigger bugs I’ve killed a few minutes ago.
I enjoyed about 5 minutes of air-conditioning (whoa, treat).
My time in the Bible is amazing **still powering through chronologically… if you’re curious as to where I am, David’s just been anointed king of Israel – 1 Chron 12, 2 Sam 5, Psalm 107 ish**
God is teaching me so much in this journey, especially about patience and the things I thought I wanted. Much like last year, I got to my birthday and realized none of my plans were right.
That’s okay.
I’m serving the Lord!
I have around 7 months to make a decision of my “next step” and I know God has me by the hand. God is raising my standards and opening up my eyes to His power and His will for me. 
Way back when, I learned Jeremiah 29:11 at VBS and sang songs about God having plans for each person. Then I arrived in the “real world” and I bought into a different gospel:

Get this kind of job. Earn money. Buy stuff. Find love. Feel happy.
Trust in God, but… take matters into my own hands.

I didn’t really rely on God.
I prayed. I thanked Him.
Then I’d find myself in a pit, crying out.
He’d get me out. And repeat.
I’d sit back and wonder how on earth so many bad things could happen to me, oblivious to the fact I’d been making all those choices and putting myself in those situations.

Lo and behold, once I began submitting to God, my life started to change.
Not a “prosperity gospel” kind of change, but something similarly amazing:
Big changes seemed possible. Crazy stuff seemed possible. I did things I never thought were possible for me. Me, a missionary? I’m not good enough! I’m chosen? Seriously? How am I supposed to leave my family? They need me! 

Then I looked around and saw that God had relieved me from my burdens.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28
I came to Him and He truly gave me rest. Funny definition of rest, Lord!

He took away the burdens I’d put on myself. I was no longer in charge of helping my brother, as he was all set in college. I was no longer bound to my past.

I was ransomed.
Every relationship I tried to settle for crumbled.
God was determined to have His will in my life. I invited Him further. I asked for His intervention, and He answered. He’s faithful! He spared me from a lot of harm.
He has better things in mind, bigger things.
There’s more to go through so I can fully appreciate what’s to come. There are opportunities that only God will present. His hand will be all over it.

Meanwhile, I’m 25, serving the Lord as a missionary, and traveling the world with a backpack and a squad of 40 lunatics for Jesus.

I’m learning to appreciate the little things in life.
I’m finding contentment with my lot, my today.
I make jokes, watch bugs, and I’m good with commas.
I’m still a goofy weirdo.

The difference is that God’s word is sweet as dessert to me. I crave it. I love it. In His Word, He reveals to me why His plans are better, His ways are higher, and His timing is flawless. I truly trust Him. I humbly submit.
“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.” Ps 107:15-16

It’s a good day to be free!
God bless yall! I miss yall. Can’t wait to see your faces, and hug you again. Pray for me, as I’m in a spiritually dark country, boldly bringing light.

Faithfully His,

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