
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why Am I Crazy?

Looking at some of my choices in the last couple of years, you'd think I lost my mind.
People work to build the stability that I used to have.

I had a nice salary. I had a furnished 2-bedroom apartment. I had a nice job, that was in the 'good hours' and let me feel important on rotating weekends, acting as the boss to some.

I had the proximity to my family (well, the fam that's in America). I was 15 minutes away from my mother and stepdad, and one hour away from my brother's college campus.

I had a church family who is honestly probably the best church community I've ever had in my life. I felt loved and that I belonged, even though I was going through brokenness. I was well-connected with the church leadership.

Then I left it all. I sold it all. I hopped on a plane and went all around the world for the gospel.

I got home, and you'd think I'd gotten it together, gotten the 'adventure' out of my system, right?

I moved to another state and started an apprenticeship at the very organization which sent me all around the world. Those gospel-enablers!

I wanted to learn from them. I wanted to learn about life as I never knew it before.

A life that isn't about 'how much money can I make' but a life that can actually change the world and impact it for Jesus. I've learned enough common sense to think that this is crazy, but it didn't hold me back.

What did Jesus even mean when He sent the disciples without a bag?

Surely He wasn't naive enough to think that they wouldn't have needs? That they wouldn't get hungry, or need to change clothes, or that they had no responsibilities to own up to?

Somehow, the disciples came back astounded. Miracles took place. Lives were changed.

I want that lifestyle.

I want to stand on the edge and say that I know that God will provide for me.

Yeah, I took a full-time job that pays me literally less than 1/3 of the one I had before. Less than 1/3.
I have to fundraise the other half of my income, and that still barely takes me up to 1/2 of what I used to make.

Guys... it's not about the money. It hasn't been about the money for me in over 2 years now.
I want my life to look more like those disciples in the Bible than the average American neighbor.

Yes, if that means I have to work multiple jobs to pay my debts and survive, so be it.
Yes, if that means I get to invite other people to come alongside me in ministry, if they look at what I'm doing with my time and my skills, and say "yeah, that's ministry, I can donate towards that" and give, so be it.
I will receive what the Lord has for me.
God will (already has) provided for my needs. Whether you cheer, join His team, or simply watch from the sidelines is up to you.

'But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.' Phil 3:7
'Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account.' Phil 4:17

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