
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Update on Stubborn Stanley

Dear friends and family,
I know this matter of great concern has been keeping you up at night, tossing and turning.
My Invisalign journey was supposed to end on September 20th.

Instead, there was a delay due to Stubborn Stanley’s lack of cooperation.  The question on everyone’s mind:

“Will Helena’s tooth move up enough for her to get Invisalign off in time for training camp??”
Yes, my tooth is moving forward.
I’m relieved to announce that Stubborn Stanley, my troublesome upper right lateral incisor IS indeed getting pushed into the desired position.  His yield began shortly after Dr. Davis modified the last retainer to contain two “buttons,” which are now manhandling Stanley with unprecedented vehemence.

October 10 is the new projected “last day” of Invisalign!
Thank you all for your kind words and encouraging gestures through this unexpected setback.


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