
Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have been hiding in a lab coat. I've been getting up in the morning, putting my glasses on, hair in a bun, and heading out the door. I heard my Chi straightener crying in the bathroom. My curling iron was trying to hang itself. My makeup bag sounds like people trapped in a trunk. And my contact lenses... well that's too personal. They've asked me not to write about it. They're on medication now and they promise it won't happen again. Needless to say (but I will) they have been neglected and unused.

While I can't guarantee that I will look like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader everyday, I can say that I'll do better than frumpy nerdy boring.  I wouldn't recognize myself back in high school. Heck I didn't even know what a straightener was back then. My makeup was hilarious. White eyeshadow. EVERYDAY. I think I learned everything in college. And now, 2 years after graduation, Helenasaurus is gonna pick up the slack. I'm not being shallow. I know I don't "need" makeup and it's not a self-esteem issue (I was voted 'most confident' on facebook when they used to rank people, and I'm confident it's accurate). Getting complimented is nice, although that's not what I'm doing it for. It's really for me. The rest is consequential.
This is day 2. Let's see how it goes :)

‎'I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking'
- Derek Zoolander

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