
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

And then there were three...

Antonio is moving out, heading back to school!
I get that old-timey feeling of reminiscing, back in the day when I went to college and had first days of school. Oh and buying new pens! Post-its! The excitement of digging out my "good" highlighters. Back in high school I'd check and double check the battery of my calculators (yes plural!). I'd say those were the days, but today is a beautiful day in my life. I can smile about those memories, but today in itself is a lovely blessing. It's just as special if not more special, simply for the fact that it is still here and I'm in it.

I had my World Race interview today :)  (YAAAY)  I'd like to say it went really well. We drudged up and talked about a lot of pain and hurt in my past. I told her I'll never talk about it flippantly, but it no longer has chains on me. It's no longer a dark cloud over me. I was taught how to really truly forgive, when it hits home. Grace is bigger. God's plan is brighter. My testimony is bumpy, but so full of God's grace. And I was able to say that I had a peace about all of it, and the mentors I've consulted have raised no concerns. My interviewer perked up when I said this. She said that's what they look for. Lots of people are in my life, many advisers, many mentors, and many prayer warriors. I have a strong support group and community, and I think that's absolutely crucial to thriving while on mission.

Now with Antonio gone, it's gonna be just Casper (the cat) and Edward (the turtle) living with me. I'll enjoy them as much as I can in the meantime. It breaks my heart, but in September I'll be finding a new home for each of them. The time to start claiming them is now. I will accept bribes and flattery haha. Remember, the cat does talk. He says mama and helloooo. And the turtle does not talk, which is a definite plus when it comes to turtles. September will be "Sell everything I own" month, so be ready. Stop shopping now. Start saving up to buy all my stuff :) I'll be giving most of it away, but I will accept donations!!!

Love you all, and I appreciate the prayers.

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