
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Deeply in Prayer

Hi friends and family :)

I'm experiencing an earth-shaking, rumbling feeling that God is bringing change in my life.
His calling is getting louder. For a while I've known He wants me to move from Temple.
My question is "where to, Lord?"

I tried to ask my friends (shout out to my dear friend, Hubba Hubba! Thank you for making me laugh myself silly!!)... where would they go if the world was their oyster at 24 years old?
Answers I received: Columbia, Atlanta, NYC, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, Orlando, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Seattle, Boston, and anywhere in Hawaii. Didn't help.

I felt a pull toward NYC and Boston, thought I'd put out some feelers, see if God threw open any doors for me. I got a call from the #1 hospital in NYC, they have my resume. In Texas we'd say "they're a-lookin, and they're a-likin"... but I respect my family and they have a lot of concerns for me going up there. The verse that struck me this morning was in Romans, chapter 12, verse 2.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- His good, pleasing and perfect will.
I am getting called to leave Temple, but not to get a comfortable job somewhere else. I know it's gonna get complicated. I know I'm gonna have a lot of questions that won't be answered until God provides. I have to trust that He will.  I have to trust that things won't fall apart without me here. I have to trust that things will fall in place when I get back. God is calling me to do missionary work. Yes, to quit my incredible job for a more rewarding one, leave behind my amazing car (or sell it?) to be the feet that bring good news, sell my comfortable furniture to be able to sit next to little ones and hold them, and stop living a life conformed to the pattern of this world, a life all about me and what I want, and instead become a worker for God's harvest. I'm trusting in the One who is really in charge. He will provide. He will keep me safe. He will direct my steps. He will not forsake me. I have nothing to worry about, because I have nothing I value or love more than God. I surrender all.

I'm deeply in prayer, hence my writer's block. My plans have changed. My plans are no longer my own. It's an uncomfortable feeling, no control. Just trust. It's also exciting and there's a peace about it that I can't explain. Please be in prayer about when and where I am going. There is a trip I'm praying about in particular, and I will consult two of the ladies in the church first, then go to the pastors about it. I'll tell you more when He lets me know!

To be continued...

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